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  • I need to cancel a booking, how does that work?"
    To cancel a booking all you need to do is phone, text or email Paw Power Pet Care. Phone/Text: 07484 669534 E-mail: If you cancel more than 24 hours before the day of booking you will not be charged and can opt to change your booking to a different day. If you cancel a booking 24 hours or less before the day of the booking you will be charged for the services you have booked for that day.
  • Do you care for pets such as Rodents, Aquatics, Equine, Felines or Reptiles?"
    I currently only provides services for dogs.
  • Where can I find a full and up to date price list?
    To see the Full Price List - Click Here
  • Are their any hidden charges?
    No, the prices shown on the Price List are the prices you will pay, no hidden VAT or extra charges. To see the Full Price List - Click Here
  • When do I need to pay for services I have recevied?
    Invoices are sent on the 1st of each month, unless this day fall over a national holiday, in which case you wil be invoiced on the next working day. e.g. If your dog had a walk in June you will be invoiced for that walk on the 1st of July. All payments should be made and cleared within 14 days of the issue date shown on your invoice.
  • Where can I find a copy of the Client Agreement?
    A downloadable and printable version of the Client Agreement can be found Here.
  • Are you available on Saturdays and Sundays?
    Open hours on Saturdays and Sundays are: 10:00- 16:00. These time are subject to availability.
  • I'm not registered and need to book my dog in at very short notice, can you help?"
    For quality of service and insurance reasons Paw Power Pet Care cannot provide services to owners who have not registered their dogs prior to booking.
  • Do you provide solo dog walks?
    Yes. If your dog doesn't like being walked in a group of no more than four, solo walks are usually available. Solo walks are currently not available between 11am - 3pm on weekdays
  • What happens if my dog gets wet on a walk?
    If you're dog gets wet on a walk, even if it is just their paws, they will be towel dried off at the end of the walk. The time taken to dry your dog off will be included as part of the overall walk time booked.
  • My dog has hurt his leg and can't have his regular walk, what do I do?"
    Depending on the serverity of the injury you could: ~ Change the booking to a solo walk (if avaliable) and reduce to a shorter walk. ~ Change the booking to a visit so your dog has a bit of company and a chance to relive him/herself in your garden.
  • My dog has had his initial vaccinations but not had annual boosters. Can you still care for him?
    Due to the terms of insurance Paw Power Pet Care is covered, I cannot accept dogs that do not have upto date vaccinations and yearly boosters.
  • How old should my puppy be before you can walk him?
    Your puppy must have had both their vaccination injections before he/she ventures beyond your garden. It is also recommended you leave 10 to 14 days after the final vaccination to allow it to take full effect.
  • What length of walk should I book for my puppy once vaccinated?
    For very young puppies up to 6 months I recommend booking puppy visits. The visits can include a short walk around your area. The length of walk can slowly inclease as your puppy grows until he/she is ready to go on full 30 minute walks. Please refer to the Puppy Visits page for more information.
  • What precautions do you take to ensure my puppies health and safety?
    While walking your puppy, prolonged periods of high energy and high impact exercise are avoided usually until they are of 12 to 14 months, as this kind of exercise can cause skeletal problems in growing dogs. In tall/heavy breeds this restriction can be needed until 2 years of age as their bones take longer to set. Your puppy will never be taken out if the weather is too hot. If they were starting to get a walk during their visits this will stop until the weather is cooler. Paw Power Pet Care will never take your puppy out for walks without your prior permission.
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